
COOKEVILLE, Tenn. — Averitt Express recently promoted Fort Mill, S.C. resident Larry Mason to regional vice president of operations.

As part of his new role, Mason will oversee operations in North Carolina and South Carolina for the transportation company.

“Larry brings a wealth of experience from across the industry to the table,” said Richard King, Averitt’s vice president of operations. “That experience, combined with his versatility and drive, make him the perfect fit to help us move forward in our North Carolina and South Carolina region.”

Mason began his Averitt career in 1997 and has extensive experience in the operations and sales sides of the transportation industry. Most recently, he served as the regional vice president for sales for Averitt’s North Carolina and South Carolina teams. Additionally, he has served as a frontline leader, operations manager and service center director for Averitt’s Charlotte facility.

“Regardless of the role he has played, Larry has proven to be a great asset at every turn,” King said. “I’m excited about the opportunities we have for continued growth and excellence with the help of Larry’s leadership.”

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