
When Hurricane Season And Dangerous Weather Threaten Your Supply Chain

By Point To Point on June, 23 2017

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Depending on where you live, there are certain times of the year when bad weather is more likely to impact your supply chain. From hurricane season along the coasts to potential tornadoes inland, Mother Nature can quickly jeopardize your day-to-day operations. While you can't control the weather, there are a few precautions you can take to minimize its effects on your supply chain.

Devise An Emergency Supply Chain Response Plan

Weather events can quickly escalate into disruptive situations when businesses fail to plan ahead. Depending on the size of your business and the complexity of your supply chain, you will want to ensure that your operations can weather the storm.

Remain Vigilant Of The Weather In Your Footprint

In many cases, catastrophic weather can come with little to no warning. However, there are certain times of the year when weather patterns are more apt to occur, such as the Atlantic hurricane season which generally lasts between the beginning of June and the end of November. 

Stay on top of weather reports so that you will have a bit of warning when potential disruptive weather may occur throughout your supply chain footprint. Utilize websites and apps, such as, to set up event alerts.

Flooded Street

Map Out Emergency Operational Alternatives

The biggest question you will need to answer when creating an emergency supply chain plan is:

"How can I protect my assets and keep production moving along if inclement weather threatens my business?"

Some businesses can push through when operations come to a halt, but others stand to lose a lot of revenue when productivity drops. For that reason, identify your supply chain weak spots and write out a contingency plan in the event the worse possible scenarios unfold. 

For example, coastal flooding is a common occurrence during hurricane season. If you have a facility located in a low-lying area that could be impacted by a storm surge, you may want to make plans to temporarily move inventory and other valuables inland with a temporary warehousing service.

Additionally, you may need to ensure that, in the event that one operations facility goes offline, other locations will be able to pick up the slack. Coordinate with your teams to make sure they are prepared to handle sudden influxes of operational demands.

Line Up Emergency Service Providers Ahead Of Time

When a region is affected by destructive weather, transportation and logistics providers can quickly become stretched thin. To ensure that you can get the equipment and drivers necessary to help your business, build strong relationships with your preferred carriers and service providers.

When talking with your service providers, make sure they can perform the services you may need in the event of a supply chain emergency, such as expedited ground and air transportation or customized local moves.

Watch the video below to learn about Averitt's Expedited Ground Services!


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